Wednesday 11 November 2009

Cool Romantic Honeymoon Destinations

Now that you have tied the knot it's time to enjoy each other on an unforgettable honeymoon. Historically the honeymoon was a time for newly wedded couples to get to know each other. Today they are a vacation to start your new life with the one you love. So where are the best romantic honeymoon destination? and what type of honeymoon is right for you? Here are some great choices for those who are planning a romantic honeymoon vacation. Just the two of you

How about spending your honeymoon at the beach. Hawaii is has been America's #1 romantic honeymoon destination for decades and for good reason With beautiful beaches and lots of water sports these islands cater to newlyweds and has many vacation packages that can accommodate any budget.

Other great beach vacations include the Figi Islands which are fast becoming the alternative to Hawaii as well as a trip to Costa Rica as a romantic getaway that does not get the respect that it deserves when compared to other romantic travel destinations

Another top destination for newlyweds is Europe to get a taste of different cultures with the top spot being countries like France,Italy, and Greece. What could be more romantic than enjoying each other under the Eiffel Tower, enjoy a romantic ride down the Gondolas' of Venice, or discovering the ancient cities of Greece with your new spouse. But instead of just choosing one of these romantic destinations, you can visit all three on the same trip.

Or maybe you are the adventure lover type. An African safari is perfect for adding excitement. There's nothing more romantic than enjoying the plans of the Serengeti during sunset and searching out sights of the exotic wildlife like the Elephants, Giraffe, Lions, and wild Buffalo. there are several countries that have fabulous wildlife preserves like Kenya, Tanzania, Botswana, and South Africa. Safaris come in a variety of styles and price ranges from basic camping to 5 star hotel accommodations, but they all come with the chance to view Africa's wildlife in it's natural habitat.

Wherever you decide to spend your honeymoon remember that it is a special time to make long lasting memories with the one you love for the rest of your life.

Whatever romantic honeymoon destination that you decide to choose remember that this is a special time to create lasting memories between you and the person you've formed a bond with.

Sunday 1 November 2009

Destination Weddings - Ireland Honeymoon

Known as the Emerald Green Isle, the land of Ireland deserves its name. Unfortunately, the villages, as shown in movies like "The Quiet Man," no longer exist, however, that does not detract from the friendly people with their Irish accents and customs. In visiting Ireland one finds woolen mills and sheep ranches. Often times you can participate in a tour that takes you to a ranch and shows you how a sheep dog works. There is an Irish Stud Farm where some of the many world famous race horses are retired. St. Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin is very interesting and has a great many important people buried within the cathedral. The countryside is lush green with fences of rock. Tourists are discouraged from exploring Northern Ireland due to the warring factions that are still fighting against Great Britain who rules the country, but there is plenty to keep any newlywed couple more than occupied in the south. English is spoken everywhere so there is no language problem.

If one is planning an Irish honeymoon it is important to consult a travel agent. There are many Bed and Breakfast Inns and, by renting a car, one is often able to really explore the countryside. Many people rent a bicycle for exploring and thus are able to better examine the fabulous scenery with an unobstructed view. At the pubs one can usually find an 'old timer' who will be happy to relate how things were in the 'old days'. Many ranches are on the tourist track and invite people in to enjoy tea and scones. They, also, are happy to share the history of their particular area. Guided tours can be arranged and are invaluable in being able to learn the real history of an area.

It is very important to have a map of Ireland, as well as a guide book, which shows the important sites involving Irish history. The church where St. Patrick was said to preach is now in ruins, but is still an interesting spot to visit. Many castles offer entertainment and the drink Mead (a mixture of honey, water, and yeast) is served as well as very good meals. Entertainment often includes singers or dancers and sometimes one can find a skit based on historical trivia or folklore which is often completely delightful. The staff is dressed in attire of ancient castle occupants and someone is available to give its history. "Kissing the Blarney Stone" is a must for the newly married couple as it is supposed to bring good luck. To do this it is necessary to climb a number of stairs then lean over a wall with someone holding your legs in order to kiss the stone.

One of the very interesting places to visit is the Waterford Glass Factory. One is guided through the factory from the glass blowers to the etchers and then to the show room where purchases may be made. It is interesting to watch the artisans who are etching the designs on the various pieces and find that they must go through several years of intense training before being allowed to do this intricate job. There are several showrooms of beautiful glassware which is reasonably priced. This definitely needs to be a place to visit on an Irish honeymoon.

For beauty, romance, peace, and solitude Ireland is a magical land which would provide treasured memories to a newlywed couple for years to come. What better way to begin your new life together than with a trip that will ensure a fabulous beginning to a fabulous new life.

Tuesday 20 October 2009

Wedding Or Honeymoon In Hawaii

Hawaii is the perfect place for a wedding or a honeymoon. If you plan to have your wedding there, the experience will not soon be forgotten.

Hawaii has an entire battalion of wedding planners, or so it seems. This tropical paradise has long beckoned to honeymooners from around the globe. Wedding and Honeymoon packages, offering the ultimate in romance, are customized to meet the every whim of each honeymooning couple. Wedding coordinators plan the entire event from start to finish, providing an almost stress free experience for the happy couple.

In fact, Oahu is rumored to be the place where the spirit of love, the "aloha spirit," comes alive. What better place could there be for a honeymoon? Moreover, Oahu is home to the ever-popular Waikiki Beach. The views are spectacular, the food is extraordinary, and the weather is gorgeous.

Maui offers upscale resorts, as well as the world's only water elevator. Along with the serenity of the Hana Coast, Kaanapali Beach is a great place for fun in the sun. Oversized rooms, tropical cuisine, and five-star luxury complete the recipe for honeymoon magic.

Kaua'i, the oldest of the islands, offers luxurious foliage in the most tropical of settings. Poipu Beach is the place for fun in the sun, while Mt. Waialeale provides fantastic views.

Moloka'i, while offering the tallest sea cliffs in the world, also offers the largest white sand beach in Hawaii. The atmosphere on this island is laid back and the scenery is fabulous.

Lana'i, once famous for its pineapples, is now famous for its relaxing vacation opportunities. Here, honeymooners can golf, swim, or tour the island on a four-wheel adventure.

Hawaii, the "Big Island," provides exciting chances for the honeymooners to witness live volcano flow. Moreover, the waterfalls are spectacular, the people are delightful, and the resorts are out of this world.

Monday 12 October 2009

First Steps For Creating the Perfect Tailor Made Honeymoon

Your honeymoon is supposed to be one of the most romantic and relaxing holidays you'll ever take, but planning it can be a stressful business. The pressure is on to create an experience that is truly unforgettable, and it can be hard to know where to begin with so many destinations and experiences to choose from. If you are struggling for inspiration, follow these first steps to help you plan the perfect luxury honeymoon...

Enlist some help

Even if you usually travel independently, it is well worth enlisting the help of a travel company to help you plan a tailor made honeymoon - not only will it save you a lot of hassle, it is best to have the assistance of people who know the luxury destinations inside out.

Also worth investigating is a honeymoon gift list service. Honeymoons with Honeymiles is offered by the Western & Oriental collection of specialist tour operators allows you to set up your own personal honeymoon gift list online, share the page with your friends and family and your wedding guests can buy honeymoon activities, experiences and upgrades for you rather than wedding gifts. So if you want a luxury honeymoon more than you want household essentials, ask your wedding guests to contribute to your honeymoon instead!

Pick your ideal destination

Naturally, the destination is crucial, and will depend entirely on what you and your partner want from a honeymoon - beaches or cities, culture or ultra luxury, or all of the above! Once you know what kind of a honeymoon holiday you want, consult with your travel company - they'll be able to advise you on the best destinations to choose from.

Of course, if you arrange a tailor made honeymoon, you can enjoy the benefits of several different locations within a country, mixing city breaks with beach resorts, fly drive with safaris, and pretty much any other combination of experience or destinations you can imagine. You could even visit two different countries - multi centre luxury honeymoons can contrast the beautiful beaches of Mauritius with the cosmopolitan high life of Dubai, for example.

Check the season

Before you become too enamoured of a particular location, make sure you can actually go there for your luxury honeymoon! Some destinations can be visited year round, but others are highly seasonal. It isn't always down to weather, of course - Venice is a perfect luxury honeymoon destination for some parts of the year, but it can be very crowded in July and August; hardly what you want for a romantic holiday experience! If you've got your heart set on a destination for your tailor made honeymoon, make sure that you've chosen the time to visit where you can enjoy it at its best.

Select the perfect hotel

Luxury or boutique? At the heart of a city, on the outskirts, or in the middle of nowhere? Your hotel is likely to be the centre of your luxury honeymoon - in many ways, it is the most important element to get right! While a larger hotel can often provide grander facilities, the intimacy of a boutique hotel can be impossibly romantic. A private villa within a five star resort can be a good option, providing the privacy of the villa and the luxury facilities of the resort itself. As with every part of your tailor made honeymoon, there is no right or wrong answer - it all depends on the kind of experience you and your partner want to have.

Naturally, there's much more to a tailor made honeymoon than just getting these elements right, but following steps will give you a solid foundation to relax and enjoy your luxury honeymoon.

Thursday 20 August 2009

Looking for a Cheap Honeymoon –Try a Cruise

Cheap and honeymoon, two words that most people don't think go together. But there are ways to save some money on that vacation after the craziness of a wedding, which usually uses up every last dollar that you, the happy couple have. A cheap honeymoon doesn't mean spending the night in some cheap motel either. With a little effort and some planning a cruise can be a great way to keep that honeymoon expense in check.

Honeymoon cruise can be anything from very expensive to affordable for just about anyone. It just depends on the package you get and the length of the cruise. A cruise is also a lot of fun, hassle free and will leave the newlyweds with many unforgettable memories.

Cruises are cost-efficient vacations, especially if you leave from your home port rather than flying to meet the ship. While this isn't always possible for the more land-locked, for those who live close to cruise ship home ports it can be a great way to have an inexpensive honeymoon. Many cruise lines also offer honeymoon packages which can significantly lower the price, and if you choose to take your cruise off season chances are you can save even more money.

Probably the biggest way a cruise can save money is that almost all of them are all-inclusive. This means that everything including your meals, room and board, and ship board entertainment are paid for up front. You will need extra money for things like alcoholic drinks, duty free shopping, and off ship excursions to the many ports of call, if you choose to leave the ship.

Another way to save money on a cruise is to book your trip before a major holiday when many cruise lines offer bargain prices. And if you have been on a cruise before book with the same company as they normally offer discounts for returning customers. Last but not least be sure to shop around and see what the different lines have to offer. If you look hard enough you are sure to find a cruise that will satisfy any budgetary constraints you may have.

You may choose destinations to visit almost anywhere in the world for your cruise and be sure that you will be entertained, pampered, well fed and secure. If you choose honeymoon cruises to exotic locations like the Suez Canal or Australia, the Caribbean, Central or South America, or the more local destination of Hawaii, you will smoothly sail while you sleep or partake of ship board night life and enjoy the exotic ports of call and beautiful islands during the day, where you can go island exploring, enjoy pristine tropical beaches, go on scenic tours for day excursions, and other numerous off the boat adventures.

So if you think you can't afford an exotic honeymoon then think again. For a cheap honeymoon a cruise can be a great way to go.

Thursday 6 August 2009

Eight Cheap Honeymoon Ideas for Couples on a Budget

Between paying for the wedding and setting up a new household, many couples find there’s not much money left in their budget for the honeymoon. But who says you have to spend a fortune to enjoy a romantic honeymoon at your dream destination? Here are eight ideas for a more affordable, yet still romantic, honeymoon.

1. Ask for the gift of a honeymoon

You can defray the cost of your honeymoon, or perhaps even cover the cost entirely, by listing it on a honeymoon gift registry. A honeymoon registry works just like a wedding registry, but instead of buying you china your wedding guests buy you a trip to China (or the honeymoon destination of your choice). Yes, your guests could just contribute cash toward your honeymoon, but giving a particular portion of the honeymoon (dinner at a fancy restaurant, or a carriage ride through the historic district of a far-off city, for example) is somehow more meaningful. You’ll find a number of honeymoon registries online; and are two of the most established.

2. Exchange homes

If you prefer to mingle with the locals rather than other tourists, look into a home exchange for your honeymoon. In a nutshell, you go stay in someone else’s house while they stay in yours. Sound risky? Maybe—but tens of thousands of people have exchanged homes since the 1950s. For an annual membership fee (usually around $50), home exchange clubs will help you find someone willing to swap homes with you, as well as offering tips to make the exchange go smoothly. According to, a home exchange can cut your travel costs by as much as half. More importantly, though, you’ll get to live like locals, and perhaps make life-long friends.

3. Rely on the hospitality of others

Hospitality clubs can hook you up with people who are willing to host you in their private homes. The largest such club has more than 23,000 members in 148 countries. Membership is usually free, although you’re asked to provide hospitality to others (on a voluntary basis) in return sometime in the future. In addition to saving you money, it’s a great way to meet locals who can give you an insider’s perspective on your honeymoon destination. Other places you can look for free or reduced-cost accommodations include hostels (they’re not just for the young and single anymore) and monasteries and convents, some of which open their doors to guests for little or no charge.

4. Win a free honeymoon

"Nothing in life is free"—unless you win a free honeymoon vacation in a promotional sweepstakes or contest. Quite a few travel agencies and other companies run contests giving away honeymoon vacations as a way of promoting their services.

The odds of winning a free honeymoon may be remote, but the cost of entering is usually just the time you spend searching the web for “honeymoon contest” and filling out online entry forms.

5. Go camping

Firelight and shooting stars every night . . . breathtaking natural beauty . . . snuggling with your honey in a cocoon of zipped-together sleeping bags . . . . Yes, camping can be romantic, as long you’re well prepared and have the right equipment (warm sleeping bags, a comfortable mattress pad, and a waterproof tent are a must). Plus, it’s pretty cheap--$10 to $20 per night at most locations. It’s even cheaper if you cook your own food. You can mix a few nights of camping with a few nights in hotels to make your honeymoon more affordable. And don’t overlook the rustic (but cheap) cabins available for rent at many state and national parks. Some even offer a honeymoon cabin!

6. Travel in the off season

It may be obvious to seasoned travelers, but those with less experience may not be aware of how affordable it can be to honeymoon in the “off season”—basically, any time other than when most people travel to your destination. Certain destinations’ accommodation and airfare prices may be slashed by 30 percent or more during the off-season compared to the peak travel season.

7. Consider your airline alternatives

When booking airfare online, don’t overlook the discount airlines (Southwest, Song, jetBlue, and so on)—some are not listed on the big travel portal websites, even though they might have a lower fare to your destination. Also be sure to compare rates for alternate airports within a reasonable traveling distance. You might live half an hour from a major airport, but the smaller airport a couple hours away might have substantially lower fares, perhaps saving you hundreds of dollars. Finally, be flexible about your arrival and departure dates; the major travel portals all have options to search for the cheapest flights within a range of dates. Any one of these alternatives could potentially save you hundreds of dollars.

8. Check budget travel newsletters

If you’re not picky about where you honeymoon, you can probably cash in on promotional deals offering deep discounts on airfare and lodging—if you know about them. To stay abreast of the latest offers, sign up with as many free budget travel newsletters as you can. Start by signing up with the budget travel newsletters offered by,, and MSNBC.

Tuesday 21 July 2009

Top 10 Caribbean Honeymoon Destinations

Planning your Caribbean honeymoon shouldn't be as complex as planning your wedding... Right! But with so many enticing options, where do you start? Well, start here of course and let me help you discover the best of the best honeymoon destinations.

Certainly you're looking for a romantic adventure where you'll experience many "first time" events together and every couple wants something a little different. I had a fabulous Caribbean honeymoon and have taken some great trips in my lifetime. Check out these top picks and what makes them special. One of them is perfect for that memorable trip you've been dreaming of!


This island is absolutely gorgeous and you will definitely leave feeling spoiled. Stay at the secluded 110-year-old Crane Hotel
for nostalgic romance or at the Peach & Quiet for a budget honeymoon. It's the adventurous couples dream with clear blue waters for scuba divers, windsurfers, and sightseeing from the air in a helicopter or underwater in a mini-sub. You'll find decent beaches here, but not the best of the bunch.

Turks & Caicos

If you like small secluded luxury hotels with world-class spas and great restaurants, then you'll love it here on any of the eight inhabited islands. The uncrowded beaches are absolutely fabulous. You may even end up sunbathing next to a movie star as many vacation
in the Turks & Caicos. Go horseback riding, sail to one of the many deserted islands and play "Lost" for the day, see flocks of flamingos or thousands of iguanas on Little Water Cay. The scuba diving and snorkeling are phenomenal as is the deep-sea fishing and bone fishing. Kite-boarding, windsurfing and other water sports are also popular. A definite favorite for a perfect beach honeymoon vacation!

St. Lucia

This island is straight out of a fairytale with lush tropical scenery and twin mountain peaks covered in rain forest serenity. The locals are very friendly and seeing the St. Lucia Soufriere volcano from the inside will leave you in awe. Taking a day to tour the island on horseback is one of the major reasons this is in the top ten places to take a Caribbean honeymoon. Also, many hotels really cater to honeymooners with all-inclusive packages. Go in May and you'll catch the Jazz Festival, which is way fun!

Dominican Republic

A great choice for a budget honeymoon that still had beautiful beaches and lots to offer. Taking a catamaran ride to the enchanting Saona Island is just one of the ways to enjoy this romantic getaway. Add a visit to the 600-acre Ecological Park enjoying a dozen blue lagoons is nothing short then a romantic getaway in heaven.


A great romantic get-a-way, yet for some reason it's still underrated compared to the rest here. Inhale the French culture along with the tantalizing scents of the beautiful flowers that consume the entire island. Take a canopy tour and go hiking in the rain forest canyons before getting a taste of superb Creole cuisine, going shopping and sampling the fairly lively nightlife.


When people choose a Caribbean honeymoon this island is over-looked more times than not. I have no idea why because it's built for couples to enjoy. You won't find much commercialization here, the nightlife is pretty low-key and water sports are not a big draw. But you'll have dozens of fantastic beaches to explore and the fine dining is possibly the best in all the Caribbean.

British Virgin Islands (BVI)

You have several islands to choose from with many hotel options for a secluded romantic retreat. Ride a yacht to the famous Baths of Virgin Gorda or find a hidden beach for you and your loved to enjoy all alone. The beach bars on Jost Van Dyke are a fun hangout popular with sailors.

US Virgin Islands (USVI)

All beautiful areas here, the fact that they're all considered part of the United States makes things more convenient. St. John has the best beaches and diving while St. Thomas is known for excellent dining and shopping. Of course, St. Croix is cheaper and also has casinos, so you pick or hop around. The variety of USVI makes it one of the best honeymoon destinations.


I absolutely love Ocho Rios. The Dunn's River Falls has got to be the coolest adventure climb on any island. Climb the waterfall and jump back down into the water... amazing! Horseback riding on the beach, a little reggae music and rum at sunset and you've got yourself a nice romantic getaway plus it's great for a budget honeymoon.

Cayman Islands

Saving this for last simply because if you want to take a romantic Caribbean honeymoon and still feel like your back home this is the closest thing you'll come across. With many American themes you won't feel too far away, but taking in some of the best snorkeling and scuba diving in the Caribbean will be breathtaking. Also, if you are into shopping and eating well, then the Caymans have got to be a top pick for you Caribbean honeymoon.

Now that you've got some good ideas, you just have to decide which is the best honeymoon destination for you. Hopefully this list has got you excited and also helped narrow down your choices too. Good luck and have fun. Whichever one you decide on, I hope you two have a wonderful wedding and a romantic honeymoon!

Saturday 18 July 2009

Honeymoon Specials - Make Your Own

You may be in for a big case of sticker shock when comes time to pay for your honeymoon. A good honeymoon is expensive, and that is why many couples try to find deals when they are planning where they want to go and how long they want to stay. There are a lot of honeymoon specials out there, but you do have to look into what you are getting. These special are usually paid in advance, and that means that if you are not happy, you can't get a refund. Starting your marriage off in misery is not a good thing.

Some honeymoon specials are really incredible, and that is why they vanish so fast. If you can, plan your honeymoon as far in advance as you can so you can take some time to find the special offers that are out there. If you can find honeymoon specials for places that you have already visit, then you already know you are going to like what you have when you get you want to find out the real deal before you pay up.

Keep in mind that the honeymoon specials don't have to have the word 'honeymoon' in them. Any type of vacation deal you can find can be a honeymoon special. Though some places have a suite just for honeymooners, you don't have to stay in one to find something divine. Honeymoon specials are only special if you can get a great deal and have an amazing time, but if you have run out of good options, you don't have to limit your vacation to something that is intended for newlyweds. A honeymoon is just a holiday with a fancy name. Just keep in mind that you can find some very good deals out there.

There are times when telling somebody you are on your honeymoon you can get an even better deal though. You should remember that when you are shopping for honeymoon specials. Even though not everybody will offer you an upgrade or even a reduction, there exist some persons who will do so. They put out honeymoon specials in hopes that you have such a grand time that you will go back there many times on your wedding anniversary to revive your unique time together. There are many places that I have been that hold special memories, and these are certainly the places that I return to time and time again. Every now and then I do this just to remember.

Wednesday 10 June 2009

Tips For Booking Your Honeymoon Package

Getting Married? Congratulations!

Part of the wedding planning process for many happy couples is to plan a honeymoon, which is a trip taken after the wedding. A honeymoon is usually just for the newly married couple, and allows for a romantic break after the hectic pre-wedding and wedding period.

Many resorts and vacation destinations offer special packages for honeymooners. These special offers can range from price incentives, to room upgrades to romantic little 'extras'. Such extras can include:

* A welcome gift in your room upon arrival. Possibly including champagne, fresh fruit, chocolates and/or flowers. Some hotels even offer these every day as part of their honeymoon packages.

* Complimentary daytrips such as excursions into a local town for shopping, a romantic boat ride or helicopter ride.

* Sports extras such as parasailing lessons, scuba lessons for two or horseback riding on the beach.

* Spa treatments for two, such as a couples massage or other body treatments, sometimes available in the privacy of your own room.

* Private meals served on your balcony or elsewhere within the resort complex. Some resorts will set up a romantic setting just for two of you right on the beach so you can revel in sunset dinner complete with champagne, flowers and butler service.

* Complimentary breakfast brought to your room each day or on your first morning.

When planning your honeymoon, be sure to mention the occasion so the travel agent booking your trip will secure any special offers available only to honeymooners at the destination of your choice. If you are calling and making reservations yourself, be sure and mention your newly-married status to the reservation agent. You may also find that there are deals on plane and hotel tickets combined for honeymooners - ask your travel agent .

Note that some hotels require proof of your recent marriage in order to honor their honeymoon incentives or gift offers.

Have a great time on your honeymoon!

Thursday 4 June 2009

Honeymoons - How to Choose Your Honeymoon Travel Accommodations

Before you start packing your bags, you will need to determine what accommodation style best suits your honeymoon desires.

Would you rather be in the company of other newlyweds, joined by families and other groups of vacationers, or shut off from the rest of society? Read on and discover the types of honeymoon accommodations that are out there...

All-Inclusive Honeymoon Resorts

As the term implies, an all-inclusive rate covers it all-from your overnight accommodations, meals, unlimited drinks, and entertainment, to tips, taxes, airport transfers, and a mile-long list of activities for one flat fee. Once a phrase that carried negative connotations, more and more resorts are beginning to offer all-inclusive packages. While resorts vary on what exactly is included, you will likely only need to carry cash if you plan to indulge in gift shop paraphernalia, off-site excursions, a rental car, or spa treatments. But aside from booking a flight to your destination, all of the essentials are included. Sounds good, huh? Make sure you consider all aspects before hopping on board:


* All-inclusive packages can save you up to 25% off the cost of a vacation-just be sure to scout out the best deals and consider the cost of airfare to get to your destination. (our honeymoon travel for less guide offers more budget-friendly advice)
* Knowing exactly what your trip will cost you before you leave-no surprise costs or charges to deplete your funds.
* No need to carry a wallet-the ultimate stress reliever.
* Having the luxury of choosing a destination that offers activities to your liking.
* If your travel plans include a destination wedding, most all-inclusive resorts offer packages that include on-site ceremonies and receptions with the assistance of an on-site planner.


* Because all of the inclusive costs are for on-site activities, you may be less likely to venture outside of the property and discover all that your destination has to offer.
* A restricted number of activities and places to dine has the makings of monotony.
* If seclusion and spontaneity are what you crave, then you might want to consider another option that gives you the freedom to interact at your own leisure.

Couples-Only Resorts

What better way to start your new life together than with other starry-eyed lovers? Couples-only resorts are limited to just that-exclusively twosomes. These love nests are havens for fine dining, dancing and live entertainment, and all things romantic to ignite your libido. Before marching two-by-two to the next adult getaway, be sure to take the good and the bad into consideration:


* No scathing singles scene or screaming kids to distract you from spending some one-on-one time with your lover.
* Most couples-only resorts also fall under the all-inclusive category, where the flat rate includes a number of perks to make your stay as stress-free as possible.
* All of the amenities are crafted with romance in mind, from the intimate tables for two at dinner to the plus-size beds in the rooms.


* If you roll your eyes every time you see a revolting display of PDA, then a lovers-only getaway shouldn't be in your itinerary.

Honeymoon Cruises

Cruises have come a long way since the mainstream "mandatory-fun" voyages. Cruises now range from weekend excursions to week-long journeys with tropical stopovers. Before climbing aboard, be sure and understand all that comes along with the price of setting sail-otherwise you might find yourself in a scene from Boat Trip!


* Because of their nature, most cruises are all-inclusive, incorporating the cost of your cabin, meals, on-board activities, and entertainment.
* Endless amounts of action abound, from buffets galore to on-board sports and dances.
* Cruise types range according to length, destination, and type so you are certain to find one that tickles your fancy.


* The phrase "cabin fever" comes to mind when thinking of being stuck out at sea.
* If you are not happy with your honeymoon selection, you are as good as stuck with your choice until the boat docks.
* Moments of privacy are few and far between.

Adventure Excursions

If rapid rivers and Gatorade run through your veins, you might want to consider an adventurous expedition for your honeymoon. Whether you yearn for a safari, multi-sport adventure, or a week away at a dude ranch, the options are boundless.


* While most vacationers come home lethargic and a few pounds heavier, you will come home lean and lively.
* Most exploits include the cost of meals, accommodations, sightseeing trips, and instructors to guide you on your tumultuous expedition.
* Form camaraderie with your new husband as well as others in search of a little excitement and solidarity.


* While exercise is known to fuel the libido, you may be too exhausted at the end of the day to do anything about it.
* No matter how restless you and your hubby are, after months of tireless planning and a whirlwind wedding weekend, you might find yourself craving a little R&R.
* If your adventure plans include activities that you and your husband don't normally engage in, you might have to spend more than anticipated on buying or renting equipment.

Saturday 23 May 2009

Selecting the Right Honeymoon Destinations

A honeymoon is the ideal way to start the life together and is the time for the newly weds to be alone together and just be together. Honeymoon is the time to have fun, to relax and really to enjoy each other's company and so, the destination for the honeymoon has to be chosen by both, so that it is an enjoyable place for both of them. Therefore, the couple should sit down and decide what they would like from a honeymoon and plan the destination accordingly.

Beach is an obvious choice for most of the couples and the best value of the honeymoon can be got through a cruise. The cruise would take the couple to different destinations and can last either for a few hours or for a few weeks. The advantage of a cruise is that there is no need to pack and unpack things and the couple can stay in one room that moves to different locations. With cruises, there are many honeymoon destinations to go, including Hawaii and Tahiti.

Choosing the honeymoon destination depends upon various factors like whether the couple want to enjoy hiking and great outdoors, and if so, the time of year and weather conditions have to be taken into consideration. It should be verified whether there are hotels or resorts close by and the amenities therein. Of course, the cost also has to be considered.

Although there is a multitude of honeymoon destinations, there are places that are both very close to the place where the couple live in and far off too. In Asia, Indonesia and Bali have the most popular honeymoon destinations. There are many luxurious resorts and exotic nature and beaches that can be enjoyed immensely during a honeymoon. People, who can afford a larger budget, can pay a visit to Japan or Singapore which are shopping paradises.

In Europe, the unparallel choice of honeymoon goers is France, which is rightly known as the city of love. A trip to the top of Eiffel tower along with the partner, while watching the sunset is worth the trip. Italy is a good honeymoon destination and is preferred by many for its food alone. The Caribbean islands are known for their world's best beaches which do have some affordable islands including Puerto Rico, Jamaica and Dominican Republic.

Couples who prefer to be a little adventurous can choose to visit Colorado which is known for winter sports and the couple can partake in skiing, ice skating and other outdoor activities. Las Vegas is famous for glamour and night life.

Honeymoon destinations are in abundance that are waiting to make the trip an enjoyable and exotic experience whose memories will be lingering in the minds of the couple for a lifetime, to increase the bondage between them.

Thursday 14 May 2009

Honeymoon Nights

The honeymoon night of the 50’s or even earlier was a whole different ball game than a honeymoon night today. The biggest difference is the sex; more than half of newlywed couples polled by bridal magazines and websites admit that they are too tired for any lovemaking on their first honeymoon night if they leave right after the reception.

Wedding planning is also not what it used to be; from choosing vendors to picking bouquets and place settings for the 200 people you barely know is a tough job and it requires meticulous planning even if you hire a professional wedding planner. If you are into details, and most brides are for their once in a lifetime (hopefully) event, then they want to do most of the choosing and shopping even if they have a planner. All this spells out months of exhaustion and tension on the big day if everything will fall in to place.

After everything does go smoothly, all brides want to do is sleep. Some grooms may not share the same definition of a honeymoon night but they really can’t do much about it if their new spouse has dozed off on the way from the reception in the limo. Also because the majority of couples have already had sex before the honeymoon night, there really is little charm for going through the effort on the day when so much more is going on.

You could spice up your honeymoon night for traditions sake at least by postponing the honeymoon for a few days. By not leaving immediately after the wedding ceremony or reception, you get to recuperate from the exhaustion and can start the honeymoon on the right note Even though it sounds archaic in this day and age, but few (actually very few) couples are holding off sex until the honeymoon night. And just by waiting to sleep with one another after the vows, makes their honeymoon night that more special. Don’t fret too much about whether the flowers in your bouquet match the ones on the centerpieces; focus on your partner and the new life that you are about to begin. Even if ultimate intimacy is not on your things to do list, at least exchange a special gift, see the wedding pictures on your digital camera, relax in a hot tub for two or anything else that will make the honeymoon night more memorable than sleeping.

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Saturday 9 May 2009

Finding the Ultimate Winter Honeymoon Destinations

For those who choose to get married during the winter finding a winter honeymoon destination depends on what the ride and groom want to do. There are two rules of thought when it comes planning a honeymoon during the winter season; do you want an actual winter honeymoon or is getting married at this time of the year a good excuse to go someplace warm with sandy beaches and drinks with umbrellas in it?

There has been plenty written about all the warm places you can go so this article will look at actual winter destinations that offer cold weather activities and fun in a romantic setting. If you are both avid skiers then there are literally hundreds of ski areas to choose from.

Many ski resorts offer romantic honeymoon packages that include lodging, lift tickets, access to the spa, and all the other accommodations that come with staying at a world class ski resort. Depending on where you stay you may also be able have ski-in ski-out access to the slopes which is the ultimate way to enjoy a ski vacation.

If you and your soon to be spouse are hard core skiers then you may want to consider a heli-skiing honeymoon. This is the ultimate dream ski vacation with personalized service that's out of this world. You spend the day skiing fresh powder under the watchful eye of a professional guide and the evenings are spent in a warm cozy lodge in front of a roaring fire. The food is all prepared from the best ingredients by some of the worlds best chefs.

For those who wish to travel to foreign locations a winter honeymoon to Europe and the Alps can't be beat. A week at the foot of a world class ski mountain in a small French or Italian village is a truly romantic experience. You can also visit many of the major European cities that are only an hour or two from many of the ski resorts. This gives you the option of spending a few days enjoying the sites and sounds in some of the oldest cities in the world.

If you don't like to ski but still want the winter honeymoon experience then you may want to consider a mountain spa/lodge or hot springs. This may be the perfect way to relax after the stress of the wedding. Hidden in mountain valleys all over the world are mountain lodges and hot springs that offer everything you need to relax and spend time alone with your love. Hot springs, full days spas, and romantic cabins all make for a truly memorable honeymoon experience.

There are any number of places that make great winter honeymoon destinations. Your ultimate choice will come down to what you and your soon to be spouse wish to do.

Saturday 2 May 2009

Honeymoon Ideas You Can Do

If you simply would like your honeymoon to turn out a little more unique than the usual, then the following should give you some helpful ideas:

Go for Luxury...

Taking on a cruise is one honeymoon idea you can do. You can choose from several honeymoon cruise and travel places of your choice while enjoying each other's company in a luxurious ship packed with everything you need. Better yet, exchange vows in the middle of the seas and spend the rest of the night watching stars and walking on the ship deck.

Booking on a most luxurious suite on the highest floor of the hotel. Here, you are pampered with the best services you can get while seeing the city up high. Booking for a luxurious hotel accommodation is always money well spent.

Staying at a luxurious resort in one of the islands of the Caribbean, Hawaii, Fiji or Asia is another honeymoon idea you can do. Spend the week at a tropical paradise while enjoying the resort amenities. Take the waters and head for the sun during the day. Spend hours in the open sea either doing some water sports or seeing the underwater world with a scuba or snorkel.

Another honeymoon idea is booking for an exclusive villa in a secluded island resort. Here, the freedom is yours to do everything you want to and you can experience the total privacy you've wanted to have.

Roaming the city street of Europe and tasting the food and culture of its countries is another honeymoon idea you can do. Go to England, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, and other European nation and experience the magnificence of the cities established centuries back.

Budget conscious...

Spend the week in your house with champagne or wine would be enough to complete your honeymoon experience. Do nothing. Sleep anytime of the day. Lie on the bed together the whole day. Watch movies together. Do everything you want. After all the beauty of your honeymoon rests on both of you alone.

Go to one of your weekend getaways and spend the day doing something special. You can re-live your first days of dating or reminisce the early days of your relationship. You can also go to the place where you first met or dine at the restaurant where you first dated. These things could be enough to say that your honeymoon is complete.

Thursday 23 April 2009

Planning Your Honeymoon Escape

What is the ideal length for your honeymoon? You want to honeymoon long enough to help you and your new spouse unwind after all the chaos and excitement leading up to your wedding. You want to honeymoon long enough to enjoy your surroundings, and let yourselves have enough private time together before you return to your careers and get on with the business of married life. But you do not want a honeymoon so long that it stretches your budget, because as newlyweds setting up a household, you have other important things on which to spend your money.

The best way to decide how long your honeymoon should be is to review several honeymoon packages. Available in three, four, and seven night stays, honeymoon packages will give you the best value for your money, and most of them will take you to one of the world's great romantic getaways.

A four-night honeymoon package is great if you are being careful with your budget. You will have to enough time to get comfortable being husband-and-wife, and enough time to take in your surroundings. But a four night honeymoon package will not give you much time to travel, so you will have to honeymoon fairly close to home.

A seven-night honeymoon package, on the other hand, will let you choose a destination almost anywhere, so you will have access to a much greater range of honeymoon adventures. If you are an active couple, you might not want to spend your entire honeymoon snuggling, and having a week at a tropical island resort where you can windsurf and Scuba dive as well as lounge by the pool could be the perfect answer.

Perhaps you only have time for a three-day weekend honeymoon immediately following your wedding, and are planning a longer get away later on. So why not book the honeymoon suite at the most luxurious hotel in the closest major city, or arrange to stay at a romantic Bed-and-Breakfast where you be given as much privacy as you like in charming surroundings, with a marvelous home-cooked breakfast to greet you when you wake each morning.

If you are willing to postpone your honeymoon for a few months, you can stretch your honeymoon budget remarkably by scheduling your trip during the off-season. While you may have to take chances with the weather, most resort areas have enough indoor activities to keep you busy, and as newlyweds, you will find other ways of keeping busy on your own!

Saturday 4 April 2009

Why the Caribbean is the Perfect Honeymoon Destination

Are you in the process of planning a wedding? If so, there will come a point in time when you will need to make your honeymoon plans. When doing so, you will have an unlimited number of destinations to choose from. With that said, you should place a good percentage of your focus on the Caribbean. Why? Because the Caribbean is the perfect place to honeymoon.

As nice as it is to hear that the Caribbean is a great place to honeymoon, you may be looking for more information. After all, honeymoons are supposed to be perfect, so it is only natural for you to have a number of questions. As it was previously stated, you have an unlimited number of destinations to choose from. So, what is it that makes the Caribbean such as great choice? Continue reading on to find out.


The destination choices that you have is just one reason why Caribbean honeymoons are popular. The Caribbean encompasses a number of different islands and locations. Almost all are the perfect place to sit back, relax, and enjoy a little bit of romance. Although you do have a number of different options, the Bahamas, Jamaica, Aruba, and the Dominican Republic are popular choices among honeymooners, just like yourself.

All-Inclusive Resorts

Perhaps, the greatest reason why your honeymoon should be a Caribbean honeymoon is because of all-inclusive resorts. They are easy to find in the Caribbean. All-inclusive resorts are nice, as the overall cost of your stay includes a number of your vacation expenses. Depending on the resort in question and the travel package offered, your overall cost may include your airline reservations, overnight accommodations, food, drinks, snacks, tips, and entertainment. Having most of your vacation expenses prepaid gives you the opportunity to enjoy your honeymoon to its fullest extent, with no worries.

Adult Resorts

While on your honeymoon, you want the mood set for romance. One of the best ways to do so is to stay at an adult resort. Adult resorts have age requirements, which often prohibit those under the age of fourteen from staying onsite. What does this mean? It means you are more likely to find peace, quietness, and privacy. The good news is that most Caribbean adult resorts also double as all-inclusive resorts.

Amazing Beaches

An important component of having a successful honeymoon is romance. What is more romantic that white sandy beaches? As nice as it may be to spend your honeymoon basking in the sun along the beach, you may also wish for fun and adventure. The good news is that the beach can give you that as well. There are an unlimited number of activities for you to choose from. Popular activities include swimming, sailing, snorkeling, scuba diving, waterskiing, kayaking, and windsurfing. If you book your vacation in the form of a super-inclusive travel package, many of these activities may be included in the cost of your stay.

Beautiful Weather

Gaining access to amazing beaches is a great plus for anyone on a honeymoon, but combine that with the weather and the mood will definitely be set for romance. The weather of the Caribbean is a dream come true for many. With beautiful tropical weather all year round, what more could you ask for? Even if you travel outside of the peak travel dates, the tropical weather will still be there to greet you.

Destination Weddings

If you are in the middle of planning your wedding, you may have other arrangements already set for your wedding ceremony. If not, you will want to consider having a Caribbean destination wedding. In fact, when you book your honeymoon at an all-inclusive resort, did you know that you may get a free wedding? Many resorts offer these weddings as long as you stay a set number of days, such as three, five, or seven.

If you like what a Caribbean honeymoon can give you, start examining all-inclusive travel packages today. You can do so with When examining your options or making your travel arrangements, there are a number of points to remember. Beachfront resorts, those that are classified as adult resorts, and a honeymoon suite can help to make your honeymoon feel like a fairy tale.

Wednesday 1 April 2009

What To Get On A Beach Honeymoon

The beach is probably the best place to spend your honeymoon. With best beaches offering world-class services, beach honeymoon can be the most ideal setting of your first days as couple.

Now, here are the things you can get on a beach honeymoon:

White sands, long coastlines, and velvet beach – These are the primary reasons why you and you wife (husband) want to spend your honeymoon at the beach. An afternoon walk at barefooted on endless white sands and the spectacular site of the sun vanishing across the horizon keep many couple attracted on a beach honeymoon. The endless beach with crystal-clear waters gives you reason to stay.

World-class hotels and resorts, and accommodation – Whether you choose to go to Hawaii, Fiji, Miami, or one of the countries in the Caribbean or South America, you can get to stay at world-class hotel with lots and lots of pampering and superb services. One good thing about beach honeymoon is that, you will never have any problem with accommodation since many beach destinations are packed with at least one of the best hotels and resorts in the world. Hawaii for example has the Four Seasons Resort Hualalai. The

Caribbean has The Palms – Turks & Caicos. Plus, other beaches have private islands where you can stay one a villa for an ultimate private experience.

With world-class hotels come the world-class accommodations. Hotels and resort feature unique amenities. These may include, private pool, luxurious suites, spa and fitness centers, personalized services, breakfast in bed, romantic dinner, and the best view of the sea at the balcony of the hotel room.

Great food – Since you are at the beach, you can expect that you get the freshest fishes. That is not all. There are lots of gourmet restaurants available inside a beach hotels, resorts, and local diners.

Water sports – If love windsurfing, canoeing, kayaking, waterskiing, kneeboadring, jetskiing, sailing, parasailing, and everything that involves open water and wetsuits, only the beach experience could give you those. With beach honeymoon, you have the options to do some or all of these activities.

Underwater activities – if you spend your honeymoon at one of the top beaches in the world, you are assured that you can witness the underwater world larger than life. Most top-beaches have diving sites. You can either go for snorkeling or take one some scuba for dive.

Saturday 28 March 2009

Planning Your Honeymoon

Almost as fun as planning your wedding is planning your honeymoon. You want your first trip together as husband and wife to be memorable and it's tempting to take an 'anything goes' approach. After all, you're likely to get lots of wedding gifts in the form of cold, hard cash so why not?

Well for one, you want to be able to eat and see the sights when you arrive, so you've got to use some discretion when making your arrangements. Many couples find that it is possible to have a great honeymoon, even if they're sticking to a budget and all it takes is some planning.

When is the best time to plan the honeymoon? Obviously sooner is better, especially if you intend to travel to a popular destination during peak season. But at a minimum, while you are putting together your wedding budget, it's a good idea to allocate funds for this adventure together and work from there.

To help determine an appropriate budget, you've got to think about your possibilities, and of course, you've got to be realistic. A good way to start planning your honeymoon is to think about the things you both like to do in your free time, think about places you've only dreamed of visiting, and think about what you realistically intend to do while away. You can also use the Internet or a travel agent to help you come up with honeymoon ideas.

Once you've selected a destination, it's time to get busy making your travel arrangements. Special deals are out there, but you've got to be aggressive in your search for them. Don't despair; it'll likely be worth the effort. And the great deals might not always involve getting the lowest price. It's the extras that'll turn this ordinary trip into something extraordinary. Perhaps the deal includes getting a suite with a breathtaking view, or being greeted with a bottle of champagne.

When you're down to only 3 months left until the wedding date, you should have your travel arrangements firmly in place. Know where you're going, how you're getting to the airport (after the reception) and once you arrive at your destination, how you'll be getting to your accommodations. Once you're in place, the rest of the vacation can run its course. If you wish, you can plan some day trips in advance. This far out, also make sure vaccinations and passports are current, if applicable.

A few weeks before your departure, start gathering the things you'll bring with you on your honeymoon: camera and film/memory cards, swimsuits, day and evening wear, traveler's checks, tickets, documents, confirmation numbers for ALL reservations (including person's name if possible), and a bit of local currency for tipping. Set aside somewhere safe.

Then as the approaching days become more stressful than you can handle, close your eyes and picture yourselves lazily lying around your honeymoon suite, with not a care in the world except how soon you'll be able to return!

Saturday 14 March 2009

Your Honeymoon: Where To Go?

Michael Cottam, one of the founders of TheBigDay, offers advice on how to go about choosing where to go on your honeymoon.

So you're engaged…congratulations! One of the most fun parts about getting married is planning that honeymoon trip of a lifetime. And if you haven't even narrowed it down to a country, much less an island or a resort, don't worry-many (if not most!) honeymoon couples are in the same boat.

Some couples start by leafing through travel or bridal magazines and looking for pictures that are appealing and romantic-you can do this, but you're more likely to settle on the best-MARKETED destination rather than the best destination for your wants, needs, and style.

The following are questions you should ask yourself-it'll help you figure out what your options are, and help you ask better questions of your travel agent…which will help you plan that perfect honeymoon.

When are you going?
Every destination has its high and low seasons-and this is typically a combination of weather and the times of the year that their tourists typically take vacations. Some destinations, such as Hawaii, have very little variance in their weather year-round; others, like the Caribbean have a definite hurricane season. Yet it's important to know that the Caribbean is a very big place-and different parts have different hurricane seasons, and some parts of the western Caribbean really aren't hurricane prone at all. Other destinations--such as Central America and Southeast Asia-have rainy or monsoon seasons. You really need to know the specific destination in order to have a feel for whether or not their "green" season is too "green" (rainy!) for you.

Also, ask yourself if you're willing to delay the start of your honeymoon a couple of weeks or months. Summer months are very popular for weddings, as it tends to be easier for family and friends to get to the wedding; plus, if you're having an outdoor wedding, the odds of good weather are more in your favor. However, this also tends to be the expensive (and sometimes more crowded) season for many honeymoon destinations. Giving yourself a month off after the wedding before leaving on your honeymoon can give you time to relax and wind down from the wedding, write your thank-you notes, and take advantage of the lower prices of what's known as the "shoulder season" (between high and low season).

The big question! First, some statistics: the average U.S. couple spends about $3700 for their honeymoon package...and this doesn't included expenditures once they're at their destination. When considering a resort that's NOT all-inclusive, take some time to research the area and find out what meals cost, what a snorkel trip costs, what taxis cost, etc. Tourist bureau sites are a good place to start.

Costs of excursions and meals can easily add up to much more than your airfare and hotel, and you need to be realistic and prepared for this. Consider staying at multiple hotels on your honeymoon-perhaps one or two nights at someplace really nice to start, then a more moderate property with perhaps less of a view for the remainder.

This is less of a problem than you might think. Unless you're backpacking around some exotic country, you're going to find people in restaurants, hotels, and the activity vendors all speak English. One bit of advice: try to learn a few words and phrases in the local language, as you'll find you're treated differently if you begin conversations with "hello" in their language, and show you're willing to make the effort to get along in their country.

How adventurous of an eater are you? How about your fiancé? Do you like to try the local food, try many different restaurants? Often resorts will have very good American and European menus, but for authentic local cuisine you'll have to venture outside the resort.

All-inclusives and cruises often make fabulous food very affordable; if you're not at an all-inclusive resort, the on-property restaurants are often pretty pricey compared to outside restaurants, and tend to be less authentic with respect to local/native cuisine. If your chosen resort is in or near a reasonably large town or tourist area, you may have lots of choice for dinner; if you're secluded and isolated, it's possible that you have no choice but to dine at the resort (and pay their prices, if it's not included!).

In areas like Fiji and Tahiti, you'll often find that while the resort isn't officially all-inclusive, they do have a "meal plan" which covers food and sometimes drinks. Sometimes these plans cover just breakfast and dinner, which leaves you the option of trying the local cuisine and eating relatively inexpensively for lunch.

People, people, people
There are a number of important considerations here. First off, who else is going to be at your resort? Are most of the guests at the resort in your age group? Are they young and adventurous, or older and mostly interested in golf? Does the resort market to families-are you going to find a ton of kids splashing around in the pool when you're trying to have a romantic, relaxing time? Is the bar going to be lively, with your kind of music? Are you going to feel right at home, or a bit out of place?

Next, let's talk about density: do you prefer to be in the middle of the action, with lots of other happy honeymooners all around, or quieter and more secluded? Think about whether you want to be in a hotel with 400 rooms, or a resort with 40 private villas...the experience will be very different. And do you want to be waited on hand and foot, or left alone to explore by yourselves? Do you want to shop, maybe pick up souvenirs or local style clothes, or maybe some artwork? Maybe you want a mix: in Hawaii, popular combinations would include a few nights in the heart of Waikiki combined with a few nights on the North Shore...on Maui, perhaps a split between the Lahaina/Kaanapali area and the secluded Hana coast.

Finally, how much do you want to learn about the locals, their language, food, and culture? Generally, at the all-inclusive resorts, you'll find yourselves with other tourists, separated from the local style. If you want to immerse yourselves in the local environment, perhaps consider a smaller hotel, farther from the main tourist areas.

The destinations
Here's a quick look at some of the more popular destinations, and what they're known for.

Fiji- great scuba and snorkeling, very friendly people, mostly villa-style beach bungalow accommodations in widely-separated resorts. Moderately expensive to very expensive. About 9 hours flying time from Los Angeles.

Tahiti - great scuba and snorkeling, famous for overwater bungalows and phenomenal views. Resorts tend to be fairly far apart; very secluded and private. Expensive to very expensive; food, drinks, and activities can be very expensive as well. About 8 hours flying time from Los Angeles.

Hawaii - beautiful weather all year round, close to mainland U.S., amazing array of watersports and adventure activities. Not as much of a cultural transition for mainland Americans as many other destinations. Most hotels have 200-400 rooms; hotel density along beaches can be high. Excellent choice for a destination wedding, as prices are very reasonable for high quality and service. Inexpensive to moderately expensive.

Caribbean - known for prevalence of all-inclusive resorts, especially in Jamaica. Huge range of cultures, styles, food, music. Great watersports and scenery, and not too long in the air from major U.S. cities. Cruises are a very popular way to explore multiple islands and countries in the Caribbean at a modest cost. Inexpensive to very expensive.

Mexico - Cancun/Cozumel nearly fully recovered from the past summer's hurricanes, and much rebuilding has resulted in many upgraded resorts. High density of resorts on beaches in places like Cancun and Cabo. Great diving, watersports; some areas close to Mayan ruins. Recently, all-inclusive resorts have become common, and there are some terrific bargains to be had, especially at the moderate to more expensive resorts. A new trend we're seeing is combining the traditional beach vacation with a few days inland at one of Mexico's colonial cities, exploring the history and culture of old Mexico. Easy access from the U.S. Inexpensive to moderately expensive.

Europe - history, architecture, and great food and wine are big draws here. Airfare is less than you might expect, often sub-$500 per person roundtrip. Less of a beach resort destination, although areas of Italy, France, and Greece on the Mediterranean can provide the sun & surf element. Castles in Ireland and self-drive B&B vacations throughout the UK are popular, as are villa stays in France and Italy. In Greece, the Cyclades islands are very popular: Santorini with its submerged volcano, black sandy beach, and breathtaking sunsets...Mykonos with its blue-domed churches, whitewashed houses and beaches…and Naxos, the largest island with golden sandy beaches, clear turquoise waters, and the medieval capital of Hora. Honeymooners often combine stays on these islands with a visit to Athens. Many cruise options are available, allowing easy exploration of a number of Mediterranean ports in one vacation. Moderately expensive to very expensive.

Costa Rica & Belize - becoming very popular as eco-tourism destinations, these countries offer terrific beach resorts, watersports, diving and snorkeling, combined with jungle exploration and eco-adventures. Treetop resorts becoming popular here as well; and like Mexico, there are a number of Mayan ruins accessible in Belize. Belize also is famous for its barrier reef, and the scuba diving hotspot known as The Blue Hole. Relatively short flight from mainland U.S., combined with great value for the dollar at many resorts makes these two countries very hot for honeymooners.

Australia & New Zealand - enormous variety of things to do for the adventurous types, from Ayers Rock to the Great Barrier reef, Sydney and its renowned Opera House, Surfers Paradise. New Zealand has everything from geysers in Rotorua to jet-boating; hiking and skiing amongst tremendous scenery, and of course the famous Maori hospitality. We often suggest combining a trip to either of these countries with a stopover in Fiji or Tahiti as well. Long flight times (15 hours+ from Los Angeles) mean you'll probably want to stay 2 weeks at the very least. Moderately expensive to expensive.

Southeast Asia- combines terrific beach resorts with extraordinary culture and historical sites to explore. A relatively long flight from the U.S. (up to 20 hours depending on routing), but a tremendous value once you're there. Thailand, Bali, China, Vietnam and Cambodia are all becoming very popular. Very inexpensive without the airfare; inexpensive to moderate with airfare.

The Seychelles, Maldives, and Mauritius are all fabulous honeymoon destinations, although because of the flying time from the U.S. (around 30 hours), they're more commonly visited by Europeans. Truly spectacular diving and scenery, great food and culture, and very friendly people. Hotels are much more spread out than Hawaii or Mexico-more like Fiji or Tahiti. Private island resorts are common, as in Fiji and Tahiti. Seychelles and Mauritius trips are commonly combined with a week or so in Africa on safari. Expensive to very expensive, even without the airfare (roughly $1500 to $2000 per person roundtrip from the U.S.).

Brazil, Argentina, Peru and Chile are becoming more popular, and offer a great opportunity to experience culture, wilderness and traditional beach resorts all in one vacation. The Amazon is a huge draw, of course, but also the culture and experiences to be had in Rio and Buenos Aires make for a very memorable and exotic honeymoon. The Inca city of Machu Picchu is certainly one of the most beautiful and enigmatic ancient sites in the world, perched in the Andes at over 9,000 feet in elevantion. Moderately expensive to very expensive.

Wednesday 11 March 2009

How To Plan A Romantic, Yet Affordable Honeymoon

Getting married is one of the biggest moments in anyone's life. It's the harmonious union of two people in love. However, that love can quickly start to fizzle if the honeymoon is too costly and turns into a travel nightmare. Anytime you travel or attempt to book travel plans, there is the possibility of something going wrong. And when you're traveling for the first time as a married couple, you want your getaway to be as enjoyable and trouble-free as possible.

If you're getting married soon and want to book a romantic AND trouble-free honeymoon to an international destination without leaving you broke, you need to think ahead and establish your travel budget, choose your destination carefully, and find international travel deals.

Establish Your Honeymoon Travel Budget

One thing that many couples don't do before they start planning their honeymoon is establish what they can afford to spend on the trip. When dealing with international travel, travel expenses such as international airfare, car rentals, hotel rooms, and other items can add up very quickly. And since it's a honeymoon rather than a student travel trip, you don't want to end up staying in a hostel because you ran out of money. So, before you even select a destination, establish exactly how much you have to spend on all items involved in your honeymoon. This includes meals, travel expenses, souvenirs, and any other high-priced items. Remember, traveling internationally can be costly; so if you don't want to end up sleeping on a park bench on your honeymoon, establish your travel budget before you choose a destination.

Choose Your Honeymoon Destination Wisely

Once you have established your honeymoon travel budget, the next step is to choose your destination. When selecting a honeymoon destination, it's a good idea to first list what activities you'd like to do. Are you interested in scuba diving? Do you want to visit museums? If so, what types of museums? After you've created your list, compare it to your spouse's list; see what activities you both have in common, and create a final list.

After your list is finalized, decide when you're going to go. The time of year you travel will dictate what countries/cities you can visit to complete as many items on your list as possible. For example, if you want to layout on the beach every day during your honeymoon, but you're getting married in February, you want to find a honeymoon destination that is sunny and warm in February. The key to choosing the ideal honeymoon destination is selecting a location that satisfies your travel activities, offers the optimal climate to complete those activities, and is within your travel budget.

Find International Travel Deals

Most newly wed couples don't have a fortune to spend on their honeymoon. However, many couples still want to have a honeymoon that's exotic, international, and romantic. So the solution to having the most romantic, yet affordable honeymoon possible is to find international travel deals. The Internet is a great place to look for international travel deals and discounts on airfare. Discounted travel rates and cheap airfare deals can be found online on travel web sites and through online travel consolidators, like cFares. These travel sites contract with the different airlines and use airfare search engine technology to get the best international travel deals on flights around the world. So if you're looking for a way to save a bundle on your honeymoon, search the Internet for international travel deals.

Top International Travel Deals and Destinations for Your Honeymoon

Discount Travel to Milan
There are few places in the world where shopping and eating could be considered religious experiences. Milan's boutique-lined streets offer some of the world's most exquisite and exclusive styles, dominating the cutting-edge of design. Travel to Milan to pamper yourself, but keep a keen eye for how you might redecorate your outdated (by Milan standards) living room. Brera is the most sophisticated and elite shopping area, centrally located and also home to the Pinacoteca de Brera, one of the most coveted museum collections in Europe. Read more about travel to Milan and find international travel deals to Milan at

Discount Travel to Brazil
Brazil is the largest and most dynamic South American country, bordering all but two of the continent's other nations. In Brazil, wild Amazon adventures can be coupled with stimulating city sights and leisurely beach escapades. Read more about travel to Brazil and find international travel deals to Brazil at

Friday 6 March 2009

Inexpensive Honeymoon Vacations to Write Home About

Who says that a luxurious cruise to Tahiti or a Hawaiian destination is a requisite for honeymoon vacations? Your honeymoon should be a quiet romantic time with your newly wedded spouse and it is also a time to relax after months of wedding planning and all the pressure that goes with it. Spending a ton of money on top of all that wedding rigmarole may not be best plan because you are just going to be stressed out about it.

Honeymoon vacations can be quite inexpensive if you and your significant other put your heads together to come up with a game plan. Compile a list of some favorite activities that you like to do alone as well as together as a couple. Next, choose a few places within a few hours of home that you enjoy. Compare the two lists to create another list of possible honeymoon vacations that will mesh both of your favorite things to do and places to go.

Cruising the Wine Country

If you live in California, you can create a driving vacation and visit several vineyards throughout the countryside. Wine honeymoon vacations, while not totally unique, can be planned according to what you want to do and see and there is definitely room for spontaneity. Even Texas has quite a few vineyards, especially in the hill country and they are often surrounded by country cottages and quaint bed and breakfasts that cater to honeymooners.

Italy or France in the off-season also provides some inexpensive honeymoon vacations. Be advised that some tourist attractions will be closed in the off-season; however, there would still be many sights to see and vineyard tours to take.

Adrenaline Pumping Fun

Honeymoon vacations can also be spent in a variety of amusement parks if adrenaline pumping rides is your version of a good time. Disneyland is a favorite destination as are smaller local area amusement parks.

If you live near a beach or large body of water, how about selecting from several honeymoon vacations where water skiing, jet skiing and parasailing are featured options. White water rafting is another great idea for adrenaline junkies on their honeymoon.

Camping Honeymoon Vacations

If you and your significant other enjoy the great outdoors, why not pitch a nice, cozy tent and go camping? There are quite a few state and national parks all over the country with plenty of outdoor activities such as hiking trails, swimming, fishing and nature walks. The solitude of camping is part of the appeal for honeymooners.

If roughing it in tents is a bit too rough, consider renting an RV for a few days or even a rustic cabin on a lake, in the woods or on a mountainside. There are likely plenty of options within a few hours of where you live. You may be close to home but with honeymoon vacations in the 'wilderness,' it will seem as if you are miles away from home.

Wednesday 4 March 2009

Cheap Honeymoon Destination Secrets

One of the most challenging decisions newlyweds have to make is where to spend their honeymoon - probably one of the most significant vacations a couple will take. Romantic tropical islands, glitzy resorts, taking a cruise or staying in luxury hotels all require a significant expenditure. Finding the best romantic secluded honeymoons can be challenging and if you are on a budget, locating the best honeymoon destinations for less will take some time and consideration. Here are a few tips and ideas that might help.

You have to understand the fact that the destination needn't be located halfway around the world in order to be romantic. You should understand that the romance will all depend on you and your spouse. Even the most luxurious and exotic honeymoon destinations can't be romantic if you and your spouse don't like the location or are not enjoying yourselves. So, in order to keep costs down for your honeymoon, you should try and devise a strategy to cut costs.

Of course, you still desire to go on a honeymoon in a romantic setting. Try to imagine the best romantic secluded honeymoons located not too far from where you live. This can cut the cost and will be as romantic as any honeymoon. If you live in California and you had your wedding there, you can consider Hawaii as your honeymoon location rather than go to the Caribbean, which is considerably farther away and will be much more expensive.

When you need to fly to get to your destination, you should consider getting an economy seat on the flight. Besides, when you reach your destination, you can relax all you want and with the economy seat in the plane instead of the first class seat, can definitely save hundreds of dollars on your plane tickets. The best honeymoon destinations for less are now closer than ever!

When booking your accommodation, try to book it on the Internet. There are discounts for online booking and you can also have a wider range of lodging options. This means that you can have luxury accommodations at economy rates.

If you want to experience the perfect honeymoon, you can try considering a cruise. There are cruise liners existing today that offer great packages for honeymoon vacationers. Some even offer two cruise tickets for the price of one ticket for honeymoon vacationers. With cruise ships, everything is included, such as luxurious honeymoon lodging, food, and even great romantic activities that you and your new spouse can do. All-inclusive vacations also require less planning.

Cruise liners also offer outstanding quality first class accommodations that the two of you will absolutely enjoy. The foods are also considered to be excellent on cruise liners and the daytime and nighttime entertainment are endless. Activities such as scuba diving, kayaking, and even guided tours at port-of-calls are available on cruises. Nighttime activities will include great shows, and parties.

As you can see, honeymoon vacations don't need to be expensive. All you need to do is shop around for the best locations offering great package deals. You can be sure that you can spend your honeymoon vacation at a cheaper cost without sacrificing the same romantic experience that you always wanted.

These are the things you should remember when you are planning for your trip. The best romantic secluded honeymoons are often closer than you think. And the best destinations for less may take a little more planning, but promise to be just as wonderful as a more expensive option. Always remember that there are a myriad of ways to have a romantic experience. All you need to do is look, and you and the one you love will be guaranteed to have a perfect, beautiful, honeymoon at the perfect, beautiful honeymoon destination.

Sunday 1 March 2009

The Honeymoon Hotspots: Where You Need To Go

Michael Cottam, one of the founders of TheBigDay, offers advice on how to go about choosing where to go on your honeymoon.

So you're engaged...congratulations! One of the most fun parts about getting married is planning that honeymoon trip of a lifetime. And if you haven't even narrowed it down to a country, much less an island or a resort, don't worry-many (if not most!) honeymoon couples are in the same boat.

Some couples start by leafing through travel or bridal magazines and looking for pictures that are appealing and romantic-you can do this, but you're more likely to settle on the best-MARKETED destination rather than the best destination for your wants, needs, and style.

The following are questions you should ask yourself-it'll help you figure out what your options are, and help you ask better questions of your travel agent...which will help you plan that perfect honeymoon.

When are you going?

Every destination has its high and low seasons-and this is typically a combination of weather and the times of the year that their tourists typically take vacations. Some destinations, such as Hawaii, have very little variance in their weather year-round; others, like the Caribbean have a definite hurricane season. Yet it's important to know that the Caribbean is a very big place-and different parts have different hurricane seasons, and some parts of the western Caribbean really aren't hurricane prone at all. Other destinations--such as Central America and Southeast Asia-have rainy or monsoon seasons. You really need to know the specific destination in order to have a feel for whether or not their "green" season is too "green" (rainy!) for you.

Also, ask yourself if you're willing to delay the start of your honeymoon a couple of weeks or months. Summer months are very popular for weddings, as it tends to be easier for family and friends to get to the wedding; plus, if you're having an outdoor wedding, the odds of good weather are more in your favor. However, this also tends to be the expensive (and sometimes more crowded) season for many honeymoon destinations. Giving yourself a month off after the wedding before leaving on your honeymoon can give you time to relax and wind down from the wedding, write your thank-you notes, and take advantage of the lower prices of what's known as the "shoulder season" (between high and low season).

Travel time/vacation time

How much time off work are you going to take? And how much of it are you willing to spend on an airplane?

If you're going on an African safari, you're going to consume about a day and a half traveling each way from the U.S. This is fine if you're going to be there a couple of weeks, but if those days are coming off your total of 7 days on vacation, you might consider someplace closer. And distance isn't the only factor: how many stopovers is it going to take to get where you're going? If you've got to land on a main island, then wait around for 4 to 6 hours for the "island hopper" flight to take you out to your remote private island retreat, that's going to consume your vacation time too.

A great option, if it's available, is a red-eye flight, where you sleep on the plane and wake up at your destination, saving a day of vacation time.


This is less of a problem than you might think. Unless you're backpacking around some exotic country, you're going to find people in restaurants, hotels, and the activity vendors all speak English. One bit of advice: try to learn a few words and phrases in the local language, as you'll find you're treated differently if you begin conversations with "hello" in their language, and show you're willing to make the effort to get along in their country.


The big question! First, some statistics: the average U.S. couple spends about $3700 for their honeymoon package...and this doesn't included expenditures once they're at their destination. When considering a resort that's NOT all-inclusive, take some time to research the area and find out what meals cost, what a snorkel trip costs, what taxis cost, etc. Tourist bureau sites are a good place to start.

Costs of excursions and meals can easily add up to much more than your airfare and hotel, and you need to be realistic and prepared for this. Consider staying at multiple hotels on your honeymoon-perhaps one or two nights at someplace really nice to start, then a more moderate property with perhaps less of a view for the remainder.

People, people, people

There are a number of important considerations here. First off, who else is going to be at your resort? Are most of the guests at the resort in your age group? Are they young and adventurous, or older and mostly interested in golf? Does the resort market to families-are you going to find a ton of kids splashing around in the pool when you're trying to have a romantic, relaxing time? Is the bar going to be lively, with your kind of music? Are you going to feel right at home, or a bit out of place?

Next, let's talk about density: do you prefer to be in the middle of the action, with lots of other happy honeymooners all around, or quieter and more secluded? Think about whether you want to be in a hotel with 400 rooms, or a resort with 40 private villas...the experience will be very different. And do you want to be waited on hand and foot, or left alone to explore by yourselves? Do you want to shop, maybe pick up souvenirs or local style clothes, or maybe some artwork? Maybe you want a mix: in Hawaii, popular combinations would include a few nights in the heart of Waikiki combined with a few nights on the North Shore...on Maui, perhaps a split between the Lahaina/Kaanapali area and the secluded Hana coast.

Finally, how much do you want to learn about the locals, their language, food, and culture? Generally, at the all-inclusive resorts, you'll find yourselves with other tourists, separated from the local style. If you want to immerse yourselves in the local environment, perhaps consider a smaller hotel, farther from the main tourist areas.

History and culture

Do you enjoy visiting ancient ruins...centuries-old cathedrals...seeing native villages? The beauty of the art, architecture, and history of Greece, Italy, Scotland and Ireland, or Mayan civilizations can make for a fabulous honeymoon experience.

Europe is an obvious destination, but think also about the Mayans and Aztecs in Latin America...Buddhist temples in Bali and Thailand... Angkor Wat in Cambodia...Buddhist and Hindu temples in India. China is becoming a much more popular destination as well: consider visiting the Great Wall and seeing the Terracotta Warriors.


How sensitive are you to humidity and temperature? This can determine not only the destination, but also the choice of resort, as not all A/C systems are created equal. How close do you want to be to nature? I've stayed at fabulous safari lodges in Africa that didn't even have complete walls...just mosquito nets to protect you at night. For some, this is a dream come true-for others it might be a nightmare.

How important is your living space in your hotel room? Do you feel claustrophobic easily? Do you like to lounge around in the morning, have breakfast in bed, or do you like to get up and out there exploring the island? Is a spa on-property important to you? Is a view of the ocean from your room important to you...enough to justify the higher price?

Also think about how you typically spend your day on vacation. If you go back and forth from the room to the beach, the pool, the restaurant, you might want a place with ground-level villas rather than have to get on and off elevators all the time. If you're going to spend most of your days out exploring the island, this might not matter so much.


Are you going to want to go out dancing/clubbing? Or maybe see some native dances or performances? If you're going to Hawaii, and you ARE looking for nightlife, you'll probably want to think about Oahu or maybe Maui.

For Mexico, you should be thinking about Cancun or Cabo, rather than some of the more isolated resort areas. If you're considering the Caribbean, the answer to this question might affect the island or region you choose as well. Music: what do you want to hear on your honeymoon? Mariachi bands, steel drums, reggae, or Hawaiian hula...what appeals to you?


How adventurous of an eater are you? How about your fiancé? Do you like to try the local food, try many different restaurants? Often resorts will have very good American and European menus, but for authentic local cuisine you'll have to venture outside the resort.

All-inclusives and cruises often make fabulous food very affordable; if you're not at an all-inclusive resort, the on-property restaurants are often pretty pricey compared to outside restaurants, and tend to be less authentic with respect to local/native cuisine. If your chosen resort is in or near a reasonably large town or tourist area, you may have lots of choice for dinner; if you're secluded and isolated, it's possible that you have no choice but to dine at the resort (and pay their prices, if it's not included!).

In areas like Fiji and Tahiti, you'll often find that while the resort isn't officially all-inclusive, they do have a "meal plan" which covers food and sometimes drinks. Sometimes these plans cover just breakfast and dinner, which leaves you the option of trying the local cuisine and eating relatively inexpensively for lunch.


How about a safari in Kenya or Botswana? Or hiking in the Andes...maybe a trip to Macchu Pichu? Or a week on a rented sailboat in the Caribbean? How about touring Australia on a Harley? Maybe trek through the jungles of Costa Rica, observing monkeys and exotic birds? If these appeal to you, first thing you need to do is make sure they also appeal to your spouse! These kinds of trips create memories of a lifetime, and can be very affordable as well. Often, couples will want to combine an "adventure" trip with a few days relaxing at a beach resort-these kinds of combination packages can be put together for you by a knowledgeable travel agent, and give you the best of both worlds.


Do you and your fiancé scuba dive (or do you want to learn)? You'll find that pretty much every tropical destination has diving and snorkeling available. Some will have scuba courses offered by the resorts, while other resorts will have partnered with local dive companies. If you love to snorkel, make sure your travel agent knows, so they can recommend resorts where the wave conditions tend to be good and there are good snorkeling reefs nearby so that there's something besides just sand to look at. In general, a great surfing beach won't be a great snorkeling beach!

Are you interested in going deep-sea fishing? It's important to know what the fishing is like where you're going. For instance, while you can take a guided fishing trip from any one of the Hawaiian islands, your chances of actually doing some CATCHING as well as fishing are substantially better on the Big Island!

Additionally, it's important to talk to your travel agent about what kinds of watersports you want to enjoy. If you're interested in jetskiing and parasailing, you'll want to be in one place; if you want to kayak with the turtles, snorkel around the reef, you'll want to be elsewhere. It's also useful to know how far it is from your hotel to the best spots for your activities-you won't want to spend two hours a day roundtripping from your hotel to your activities.

The destinations

Here's a quick look at some of the more popular destinations, and what they're known for.

Fiji- great scuba and snorkeling, very friendly people, mostly villa-style beach bungalow accommodations in widely-separated resorts. Moderately expensive to very expensive. About 9 hours flying time from Los Angeles.

Hawaii- beautiful weather all year round, close to mainland U.S., amazing array of watersports and adventure activities. Not as much of a cultural transition for mainland Americans as many other destinations. Most hotels have 200-400 rooms; hotel density along beaches can be high. Excellent choice for a destination wedding, as prices are very reasonable for high quality and service. Inexpensive to moderately expensive.

Tahiti- great scuba and snorkeling, famous for overwater bungalows and phenomenal views. Resorts tend to be fairly far apart; very secluded and private. Expensive to very expensive; food, drinks, and activities can be very expensive as well. About 8 hours flying time from Los Angeles.

Mexico- Cancun/Cozumel nearly fully recovered from the past summer's hurricanes, and much rebuilding has resulted in many upgraded resorts. High density of resorts on beaches in places like Cancun and Cabo. Great diving, watersports; some areas close to Mayan ruins. Recently, all-inclusive resorts have become common, and there are some terrific bargains to be had, especially at the moderate to more expensive resorts. A new trend we're seeing is combining the traditional beach vacation with a few days inland at one of Mexico's colonial cities, exploring the history and culture of old Mexico. Easy access from the U.S. Inexpensive to moderately expensive.

Caribbean- known for prevalence of all-inclusive resorts, especially in Jamaica. Huge range of cultures, styles, food, music. Great watersports and scenery, and not too long in the air from major U.S. cities. Cruises are a very popular way to explore multiple islands and countries in the Caribbean at a modest cost. Inexpensive to very expensive.

Europe - history, architecture, and great food and wine are big draws here. Airfare is less than you might expect, often sub-$500 per person roundtrip. Less of a beach resort destination, although areas of Italy, France, and Greece on the Mediterranean can provide the sun & surf element. Castles in Ireland and self-drive B&B vacations throughout the UK are popular, as are villa stays in France and Italy. In Greece, the Cyclades islands are very popular: Santorini with its submerged volcano, black sandy beach, and breathtaking sunsets...Mykonos with its blue-domed churches, whitewashed houses and beaches...and Naxos, the largest island with golden sandy beaches, clear turquoise waters, and the medieval capital of Hora. Honeymooners often combine stays on these islands with a visit to Athens. Many cruise options are available, allowing easy exploration of a number of Mediterranean ports in one vacation. Moderately expensive to very expensive.

Costa Rica & Belize - becoming very popular as eco-tourism destinations, these countries offer terrific beach resorts, watersports, diving and snorkeling, combined with jungle exploration and eco-adventures. Treetop resorts becoming popular here as well; and like Mexico, there are a number of Mayan ruins accessible in Belize. Belize also is famous for its barrier reef, and the scuba diving hotspot known as The Blue Hole. Relatively short flight from mainland U.S., combined with great value for the dollar at many resorts makes these two countries very hot for honeymooners.

Australia & New Zealand - enormous variety of things to do for the adventurous types, from Ayers Rock to the Great Barrier reef, Sydney and its renowned Opera House, Surfers Paradise. New Zealand has everything from geysers in Rotorua to jet-boating; hiking and skiing amongst tremendous scenery, and of course the famous Maori hospitality. We often suggest combining a trip to either of these countries with a stopover in Fiji or Tahiti as well. Long flight times (15 hours+ from Los Angeles) mean you'll probably want to stay 2 weeks at the very least. Moderately expensive to expensive.

The Seychelles, Maldives, and Mauritius are all fabulous honeymoon destinations, although because of the flying time from the U.S. (around 30 hours), they're more commonly visited by Europeans. Truly spectacular diving and scenery, great food and culture, and very friendly people. Hotels are much more spread out than Hawaii or Mexico-more like Fiji or Tahiti. Private island resorts are common, as in Fiji and Tahiti. Seychelles and Mauritius trips are commonly combined with a week or so in Africa on safari. Expensive to very expensive, even without the airfare (roughly $1500 to $2000 per person roundtrip from the U.S.).

Southeast Asia - combines terrific beach resorts with extraordinary culture and historical sites to explore. A relatively long flight from the U.S. (up to 20 hours depending on routing), but a tremendous value once you're there. Thailand, Bali, China, Vietnam and Cambodia are all becoming very popular. Very inexpensive without the airfare; inexpensive to moderate with airfare.

Brazil, Argentina, Peru and Chile are becoming more popular, and offer a great opportunity to experience culture, wilderness and traditional beach resorts all in one vacation. The Amazon is a huge draw, of course, but also the culture and experiences to be had in Rio and Buenos Aires make for a very memorable and exotic honeymoon. The Inca city of Machu Picchu is certainly one of the most beautiful and enigmatic ancient sites in the world, perched in the Andes at over 9,000 feet in elevantion. Moderately expensive to very expensive.

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