Sunday 1 November 2009

Destination Weddings - Ireland Honeymoon

Known as the Emerald Green Isle, the land of Ireland deserves its name. Unfortunately, the villages, as shown in movies like "The Quiet Man," no longer exist, however, that does not detract from the friendly people with their Irish accents and customs. In visiting Ireland one finds woolen mills and sheep ranches. Often times you can participate in a tour that takes you to a ranch and shows you how a sheep dog works. There is an Irish Stud Farm where some of the many world famous race horses are retired. St. Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin is very interesting and has a great many important people buried within the cathedral. The countryside is lush green with fences of rock. Tourists are discouraged from exploring Northern Ireland due to the warring factions that are still fighting against Great Britain who rules the country, but there is plenty to keep any newlywed couple more than occupied in the south. English is spoken everywhere so there is no language problem.

If one is planning an Irish honeymoon it is important to consult a travel agent. There are many Bed and Breakfast Inns and, by renting a car, one is often able to really explore the countryside. Many people rent a bicycle for exploring and thus are able to better examine the fabulous scenery with an unobstructed view. At the pubs one can usually find an 'old timer' who will be happy to relate how things were in the 'old days'. Many ranches are on the tourist track and invite people in to enjoy tea and scones. They, also, are happy to share the history of their particular area. Guided tours can be arranged and are invaluable in being able to learn the real history of an area.

It is very important to have a map of Ireland, as well as a guide book, which shows the important sites involving Irish history. The church where St. Patrick was said to preach is now in ruins, but is still an interesting spot to visit. Many castles offer entertainment and the drink Mead (a mixture of honey, water, and yeast) is served as well as very good meals. Entertainment often includes singers or dancers and sometimes one can find a skit based on historical trivia or folklore which is often completely delightful. The staff is dressed in attire of ancient castle occupants and someone is available to give its history. "Kissing the Blarney Stone" is a must for the newly married couple as it is supposed to bring good luck. To do this it is necessary to climb a number of stairs then lean over a wall with someone holding your legs in order to kiss the stone.

One of the very interesting places to visit is the Waterford Glass Factory. One is guided through the factory from the glass blowers to the etchers and then to the show room where purchases may be made. It is interesting to watch the artisans who are etching the designs on the various pieces and find that they must go through several years of intense training before being allowed to do this intricate job. There are several showrooms of beautiful glassware which is reasonably priced. This definitely needs to be a place to visit on an Irish honeymoon.

For beauty, romance, peace, and solitude Ireland is a magical land which would provide treasured memories to a newlywed couple for years to come. What better way to begin your new life together than with a trip that will ensure a fabulous beginning to a fabulous new life.

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